"The Bird Lady said it was a fa, fa, a fantasma," remembers Pandora. "What's a fantasma?" brays Horsehead Miller with screwed up eyes and waving a long spoon.

"Why, hello kids," says Mr. Portly, the ice cream store owner who just came in. "Nice to see you. Did you all get what you wanted? Looks like you all have an appetite. And Horsehead Miller, I must say, I'm very impressed with you."

"Huh? Me? Why? What did I do?" blurts Horsehead Miller.

"I didn't know you spoke Portuguese," answers Mr. Portly.

"Huh? What's Portuguese?" says Horsehead.

"Oh, now don't kid me. I heard you speak Portuguese just now. Do you take it at school?"

"Huh?! You heard me when?" "Well, just now. You said, "fantasma."

"That's right, the Bird Lady is Portuguese," says Pandora.

"The Bird Lady? Oh yes, that's right, Mr. Portly says, "yes, there's still a few of us, remembering. And so is-how do you kids call him? So is the Rag Man."

"But then what's it mean? asks Nikki. What does that word mean? Fa, fa. . ."

"Fantasma!" says Pandora.

"Oh, I thought you knew," answers Mr. Portly, "what with Halloween coming up and all.
It means, 'ghost.' "

Wharf Company Writing and Photography © 2010

The Magic Box © 2009
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by Michael Harris © 2009
